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Mr. HM Fayzan Shakir

National Textile University, Faisalabad, Pakistan

Title: Polyaniline and Nickel Ferrites in Polymer Based Composites for EMI Shieldimg Application


Biography: Mr. HM Fayzan Shakir


Polymer based composites were fabricated using electrically conductive and magnetic particles. Nickel Ferrites (NiFe) and Polyaniline (PANI) were used as magnetic and electrically conductive filler particles respectively. NiFe and PANI were prepared successfully by co-precipitation and chemical oxidative methods and confirmed by the XRD. Maximum of 20 wt% of each filler is used in polystyrene matrix. Solution casting method was used for the fabrication of composite films. Dielectric properties and DC conductivity were first analyzed of prepared composite films. Both DC conductivity and dielectric constant observed to be increased significantly and it gives the indication of enhanced Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) shielding properties of composite film. Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) is used to measure the EMI shielding effectiveness (SE) in microwave region (0.1 GHz to 20 GHz). Pure polystyrene doesn’t exhibit any EMI SE with -3 dB SE value. With the addition of both PANI and NiFe, SE value keep on increasing and reached the value of -35 dB in whole microwave range of 0.1 GHz to 20 GHz. SEM was also used to evaluate its microstructure of prepared composite films.