Theme: Polymer technology in societal challenges

Asian Polymer 2019

Renowned Speakers

Asian Polymer 2019

Conference Series LLC Announces Open Registration for Unique Conference Designed for 10th Asia Pacific Congress on Polymer Science and Engineering to be held in October 23-24, 2019 Tokyo, Japan with the theme of “Polymer technology in societal challenges”

ASIAN POLYMER 2019 Will Convene Business Leaders, Professors, Policymakers and Investors to Discuss Key Issues Facing the Polymer science Industry Today.The conference will host more than 30 distinguished panelists and speakers, including business leaders, inventors, investors, Academicians and policymakers. Keynote speakers & Poster presentations. We are very excited about the level of enthusiasm we have received from speakers, sponsors and attendees for this unique conference we look forward to bringing together the Experts in polymers research industry today.”

By definition, polymers are huge particles made by holding (synthetically connecting) a progression of building squares. The word polymer originates from the Greek words for "some parts." Each of those parts is researchers call a monomer (which in Greek signifies "one section"). Think about a polymer as a chain, with every one of its connections a monomer. Those monomers can be straightforward — only a molecule or a few — or they may be convoluted ring-molded structures containing at least twelve atoms.

Track 1: Plastics and Elastomers

Plastic materials vary substantially. Different monomer chemistries, additives, reinforcements, molecular weight and many other variables give hundreds of families of plastic materials and tens of thousands of grades. An elastomer is a polymer with viscoelasticity (i.e., both thickness and flexibility) and powerless intermolecular powers, and for the most part low Young's modulus and high disappointment strain contrasted and different materials.

Track 2: Polymer Science and Engineering

A polymer is an expansive particle, or macromolecule, made out of many rehashed subunits. Because of their expansive scope of properties, both manufactured and common polymers assume fundamental and pervasive jobs in regular day to day existence. Polymers run from well-known manufactured plastics, for example, polystyrene to common biopolymers, for example, DNA and proteins that are central to organic structure and capacity.

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Biopolymers and Polymer Sciences November 18-19, 2019 Helsinki, Finland | 10th Asia Pacific Congress on Polymer Science and Engineering October 23-24, 2019 Tokyo, Japan | 6th World Congress on Smart Materials and Polymer Technology December 16-17, 2019 Dubai, UAE | 5th International Conference on Crystallography & Novel Materials November 25-26, 2019 Helsinki, Finland

Track 3: Types of Polymers
Polymers are of two types: Natural polymeric materials such as shellac, amber, wool, silk and natural rubber have been used for centuries. A variety of other natural polymers exist, such as cellulose, which is the main constituent of wood and paper.

Track 4: Composite Polymer Materials
Polymer composites have been found to have excellent friction and wear performance after being modified with functional fillers and reinforcements. This advantage makes them flexible in many industrial applications. The present article elaborates the friction and wear properties of polymer composites concisely, including the tribological modification of polymeric materials

Track 5: Polymer physics
Polymer physics is the field of physics that studies polymers, their fluctuations, mechanical properties, as well as the kinetics of reactions involving degradation and polymerisation of polymers and monomers respectively. While it focuses on the perspective of condensed matter physics, polymer physics is originally a branch of statistical physics. Polymer physics and polymer chemistry are also related with the field of polymer science, where this is considered the applicative part of polymers.

Track 6: Polymer chemistry

Polymer chemistry is a sub-discipline of chemistry that focuses on the chemical synthesis, structure, chemical and physical properties of polymers and macromolecules. The principles and methods used within polymer chemistry are also applicable through a wide range of other chemistry sub-disciplines like organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and physical chemistry Many materials have polymeric structures, from fully inorganic metals and ceramics to DNA and other biological molecules

Track 7: Applications of Polymers

Polymers plays a vital job in human life. Indeed, our body is made of parcel of polymers, for example Proteins, compounds, and so on. Other normally happening polymers like wood, elastic, cowhide and silk are serving the mankind for a long time now. Present day logical devices reformed the preparing of polymers in this way accessible manufactured polymers like helpful plastics, rubbers and fiber materials. Similarly as with other building materials (metals and earthenware production), the properties of polymers are connected their constituent basic components and their course of action.

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Biopolymers and Polymer Sciences November 18-19, 2019 Helsinki, Finland | 10th Asia Pacific Congress on Polymer Science and Engineering October 23-24, 2019 Tokyo, Japan | 6th World Congress on Smart Materials and Polymer Technology December 16-17, 2019 Dubai, UAE | 5th International Conference on Crystallography & Novel Materials November 25-26, 2019 Helsinki, Finland |

Track 8: Polymer in Nanotechnology

Polymer Nanotechnology is the study and application of nanotechnology to polymer-nanoparticle matrices. Polymer Nanocomposites (PNC) consists of a polymer or copolymer having nanoparticles dispersed in the polymer matrix. Polymer nanotechnology has wide applications in various fields like Biotechnology, Biomedical products, Drug delivery and pharmaceuticals. Polymeric nanoparticles are used in waterborne paints, adhesives, coatings, pressure sensitive adhesives, Medical diagnostics and Redispersiblelatices.

Track 9: Polymer Degradation and Stabilization

Polymer Degradation and Stability manages the corruption responses and their control which are a noteworthy distraction of specialists of the numerous and different parts of current polymer innovation.

Track 10: Biopolymers from renewable

Biopolymers from renewable resources derive from biomasses. For this reason biopolymers have a much lower environmental footprint than oil-based polymers, thanks to reduced CO2 emissions in their Life Cycle Assessment.

This advantage is achievable also using scraps of food industry or from agriculture. Raw materials from renewable resources can be a sustainable and environmental-friendly solution without affecting human food chain.
Track 15-16:

Global Plastic Polymers Markets: Overview

The different innovative work exercises by researchers and specialists on plastic material prompted the making of plastic polymers. Plastic polymers were framed after a long procedure and grouping of comparative however extraordinary clear cut particles or a blend of numerous units. Plastic polymer can be bifurcated unto thermoset polymers and thermoplastic polymers. The thermoplastic polymers can be warmed in the wake of being warmed once and the procedure can be proceeded. This is a one of a kind normal for thermoplastic polymers which is extremely helpful in the creation of new parts or articles of various items. So as to meet the necessities of man, plastic polymers were concocted and hence it additionally frames an essential component in bundling and a few other such applications over a few parts.

The report is an enquiry in the development of the worldwide plastic polymers advertise in the course of the most recent couple of years and in the up and coming years. The statistical surveying study additionally reasons out the reasons for the modifications in the market around the world. It plays out this errand by displaying a valuation of the elements and the patterns omnipresent from the most recent couple of years and the ones that are probably going to keep hold of a solid nearness amid the conjecture time frame. The Porter's five powers examination has been mulled over by the experts to offer a reasonable perspective of the seller scene to the perusers. Mergers, assentions, acquisitions, and different associations have additionally been featured in the statistical surveying report. The examination likewise digs into the working of a few noteworthy organizations alongside data on their items, systems, and offers being referred to.

Trends, Opportunities & Regional Outlook:

The worldwide market for plastic polymer is relied upon to observe a considerable development over the coming years inferable from the rising interest for plastics over a few vertical businesses, for example, bundling and nourishment and refreshments. The present advancements in plastic polymers are exponentially driving the worldwide plastic polymers advertise. Be that as it may, the rising concerns in regards to recyclability and deterioration constrained the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) to execute forceful choices. The controls made it compulsory for producers to hold fast to specific tenets amid any developments made in plastic polymers. The present development tract is an aftereffect of the similarly less dangerous material that is likely have a low antagonistic effect on the earth. In this way, the recently made plastic polymer being in congruity with the strategies and directions of the EPA are in effect broadly utilized around the world.

The development of the assembling business in creating districts, for example, Asia Pacific and the rising utilization of sustenance items over the world alongside spotlight on inventive bundling is probably going to support the market development in created areas, for example, North America and Europe and in addition they move towards the way of life of devouring solidified and bundled nourishments.

Major geographies analyzed under this research report are: 

  • Europe
  • North America 
  • Asia-Pacific 
  • Rest of the World 

Thanks for attending POLYMER SCIENCE 2018 !


8th International Conference on Polymer Science and Engineering has been successfully completed - The 8th  edition – and we must Thank the attendees, Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel Las Vegas, USA& Conference Centre Staff, and the Organizing Committee, Ad-Sponsors & Media partners and everyone else that helped to make this 8th International Conference on Polymer Science and Engineering with the theme: Applications and Characterization of Polymers Vs Biopolymers: A Global Debate.

To Attendees,

We hope that you obtained the kind of advance technical information in the arena of Material Science and Engineering that you were seeking, and that your role in the field has been enhanced via your participation. We hope that you were able to take part in all the sessions and take advantage of the tremendous advancements in Polymer Science and Engineering that scientists are working with.

 If you have any feedback for us for future consideration or enhancements of this Conference, please provide your feedback to Conference Manager.
James Smith at

The meeting covered various sessions, in which the discussions included the scientific tracks:

  • Polymer Material Science and Engineering
  • Composite Polymeric Materials
  • Polymer Science – The Next Generation
  • Polymer Physics
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Applications of Polymers
  • Polymer Nanotechnology
  • Polymer Degradation and Stabilization
  • Polymers in Biotechnology, Medicine and Health
  • Renewable Resources and Biopolymers
  • Brand Owners and Retailers perspectives 

The Keynote presentations were given by:

Saul Sanchez Valdes, Applied Chemistry Research Center (CIQA), Mexico

Bernabé Luis Rivas Quiroz, University of Concepcion, Chile

Rina Singh, Biotechnology Innovation Organization(BIO), USA

Rakkiyappan Chandran, Triad Polymers, USA

Chao Yang, Fritz Industries, USA

Andrej Holobar, ECHO d.o.o., Slovenia 

Marcio Dias Lima, Nano-Science and Technology Center, USA

Namrata Tripathi, Illinois State University, USA

Balázs Pásztói, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Mayra A Mendez-Encinas, Research Center for Food and Development (CIAD), Mexico

Ana M. Morales-Burgos, Research Center for Food and Development (CIAD),       Mexico

 Shahab Kashani Rahimi, University of Southern Mississippi, USA

 A P Piedade, University of Coimbra, Portugal

Bookmark your dates: We hope to see you at Asian Polymer 2019, Japan during October 23-24, 2019


Organizing Committee
Asian Polymer 2019

To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 23-24, 2019
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